Greetings Shore Vineyard! 
What another epic week we've had at SVC. Thanks All for all you do to make 252 hum as we gather on Sundays, and just loving God and others brilliantly, passionately and adventurously through small groups, prayer, and random acts of kindness day in and out. Great to see Vic and Fran make a surprise appearance with an update on their pilgrim journey as they're not far from the half-way mark into their Sabbatical. Pray they stay safe and well, and keep experiencing God in deep and unexpected ways as they're walking on some ancient paths. You can find their recording and Jacqui Lloyd's brilliant and insightful message on why Jesus' ascension matters here
I'm thrilled that over the next couple of Sundays we will have Grace and Elisha Hartley, friends of our Youth pastor Carly's from her time at Carey College, as guest speakers at SVC. Elisha and Grace both trained as youth pastors at Carey, and have a deep love of God's word and the church. This Sunday then we look forward to celebrating Mother's Day with Grace, former youth pastor of Rotorua Baptist and proud Mum of their daughter Emerson, as she'll begin to unpack some of the characteristics of God, focusing on the mothering nature of God. We often think of God using masculine ideas and descriptions, but do you think of God as a mother? Is God nurturing and gentle like a mother? What is the feminine side of God?
Also this Sunday, we are blessed to have our friend and brilliant musician Sef Ulugia (former worship director here at 252, and pastor of Shore Elim) back to lead us in worship with the fabulous Anne o'Hanlon and band.
So don't miss out on Church with us this Sunday morning, 10am in person, or 10:30 on Facebook live, to worship together, hear an uplifting Mother's Day message, catch up and pray with each other.
Pre-schoolers, primary, and intermediate to early high school kids (Seek) join us in worship, before hanging out in their respective areas with their marvellous leaders under the care of kids and youth pastors Fraser Craig and Carly Armstrong guiding them in their walk with God in an age appropriate way. We have a freshly furnished crèche fitted for all parent/caregiver and baby needs with full view (plus audio feed) into our auditorium. 
One thing we've heard Vic say a lot in the past few years is "We're better together". With the beginning of the new school term then, we want to provide plenty of opportunities for our whānau to be together: Last week we introduced and prayed for our small groups (check out our Facebook live feed to catch the vibe of our home groups) and browse our display board with opportunities to connect across our Church and Foodbank communities in our café area. I'm excited that one of our faithful prayer warriors, Alasdair Boyd, has started a two-weekly hour of power in the Chapel to pray for our church, each other and our community (all welcome!).  Hop on our website for opportunity to join (or start up) a small group, including Al's mid-week prayer, check what's on in the next few weeks, secure your spots for a popular men's curry night 5 June, our annual  Vineyard Aotearoa Youth and Leaders Conferences, and more. 
Please get in touch for any pastoral care needs, or email for access to a group of faithful intercessors. In the spirit of Mother's Day and Vic and Fran's pilgrimage, here a beautiful Celtic prayer to pray for yourselves, with or for your loved ones. 

May my heart find its home in You. (Reflection for Women, Celtic Daily Prayer)

When the road is not clear,
and few have gone before;
when I feel unprepared and ill equipped;
may Your voice comfort me.

Amidst the changing seasons in my roles, 
in my relationships and in my body;
when my voice sounds strange, 
my reflection looks unfamiliar, 
and I don't recognise my own name;
may Your words sustain me.

During the transitions, 
the waiting times and the in-between times;
in my leaving, my journeying on
and my coming home;
may Your hand steady me. 

When I cry, 'Who is it that can tell me who I am?'
When I am searching to find my place, 
but see only confusion, conflicting demands, 
and no way forward;
may Your love embrace me. 

Amen. Blessings to you all,
